It’s sunny and warm where we are, how about you?? :)

Okay, it’s not sunny and warm right now – it is 6:55pm right now after all. 

We are now in Watsonville, CA, just outside of Santa Cruz.  I think we are headed to Riverside, CA or Bakersfield, CA tomorrow…

The drive today seemed a little long but it was only about 6 hours.  I am quite tired though… Guess I’m a wuss! Belle is becoming quite the traveller and Mike and I have to fight with her to keep her in the room now! The summer out at Mom’s was definitely good for her!

Just a short post tonight for me as I am quite tired.  I will get better at this I’m sure.

PS. Thanks for the slippers Mom!  They are definitely coming in handy for these motel rooms! 😉

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