Diana looking at my wax job
Well I now it has been a long time since we posted anything, so I will try and bring everyone up to date. We are still in Venture West Marina; it is a great marina with all the amenities and good access to the ocean and the boat chandleries.
The weather here has been a little winter like, but no snow, it has been cool and recently very windy, last knight the wind blew up to 50mph; we survived mostly intact and were able to sleep.
On the boat front work continues and is coming along. I liken it to a starter’s pistol with six shots; we get to go when the final shot. First shot, make the boat water tight so we can sleep at night in the rain without getting wet. The funny thing is that when you hose down the boat there seems to be no leaks, but when it rains, once every two weeks; it has new leaks, so the leak solution continues. Second shot mechanical make sure the motor works well, oil change, impeller change, fuel filters and the packing seal, they all maybe good but we have no record of maintenance, so we will start fresh. I include sails under mechanical as it is supposed to be our main mode of propulsion, and the sail work is done for this season. Don’t worry there is lots of projects for the last four shots, but that is for next year. Finally we were Coast Guard inspected and past, we got our 2009 USCG Inspection sticker, word has it you are less likely to get boarded by the USCG if you have the sticker.
As for sailing we have been out several times mostly in light wind as we get comfortable with the boat. The outings went well including getting out of and into the slip, the harbor is no problem.
Our plans continue to evolve, we would absolutely love to stay for the summer and longer, but the reality is that we will be heading back to Salmon Arm and a summer at the golf course. The sailboat will stay at Ventura and we keep our fingers crossed. We have met some wonderful people here and will ask them to keep an eye on the boat. I still do not like leaving for max six months and next year I will be looking for work.
We are both well, no sea sickness, I can’t say that for the cat, she gets sea sick every once and a while.
We loved you site. Bob your long lost cousin, thinks you guys are freakin nuts!! We commend you on taking your cat to Catalina!! You guys rock! & the boat rules!!
chow for now
Bob Pitman
Tomorrow being mother? day we are here in calgary. Using Bob & Michelle? online services. If we were 2 years younger, Howard and I would invest in a watercraft and come down for some sailing lessons and teach you a thing of two LOL!!!
The race is on!! 😉 Catch us if you can!!
Love & Hugs Aunt Edith & Howard
ps we are unencumbered
Hey, this has all gotten away from us. What with Michelle typing and Bob doing the talking, and us getting the blame, we are adding the reference that his team lost their volleyball game tonight under the senior? level that is euphamistically called Masters and he and they are drowning their sorrows. However, tomorrow is another day with 3 games scheduled because they were dumn enough to lose the first match.
Hasta La Vista, you Californians Aunt Edith and Howard (no pets)