Still on the road…but almost there!

We are currently in King City, CA which is a little less than 4 hours away from the boat! We will be there tomorrow – yay!

As soon as we got through the Mount Shasta area, the temperature went up and we had to take off our fleeces.  It is quite warm and sunny! 🙂 Definitely something to smile about!!!

Mike and I are both more than a little tired but we are almost there!  Belle is not quite as happy as we are, but I’m sure she will cheer up as soon as she finds a sun beam to lay in. 

Apparently there is a halloween party at the Marina so we will be going to that.  There is supposed to be a chili cook-off and pumpkin pie contest and I think there will also be a pumpkin carving contest.  We won’t be entering any contests – we don’t have time – but I think we can make time to do some tasting! 😉

I have probably babbled enough for now – did I mention I was tired? While Mike has been laying around watching TV, I have been working!

Bye for now, more later. 

Love to all!

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