Pool side in Palm Springs, CA

Hi everyone,

We are now in Palm Springs, CA.  The Motel 6 is room is good – no funky smells and the carpet looks safe enough to walk on in bare feet.  What can I tell you – I’m a little anal about carpets…

We will be staying here tomorrow night as well.  Mike and I need to stop for a couple of days and there are worse places to stop than Palm Springs. 🙂 We were going to head to the Santa Barbara area on Monday but with the fires in the LA area we might end up staying here a little longer than we had originally planned.  More than 10, 000 people have been ordered to evacuate so getting a motel room might be a problem.  If you are interested, CNN is covering the story here.

Our room overlooks the pool too so it’s all good! Mike and I need to go get something to eat so I have to go now, but I will probably post more later. 

As Mike just said, it’s got sun and a pool so if we are stuck here by fire, we are stuck here by fire! 🙂

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